About Us
Welcome to the official website of Retour au Pays Natal Germany e.V. (RPNG), a non-profit organization "by the cameroonian community in Germany for the cameroonian community in Germany".
In the event of death in Germany, the relatives of the deceased must first and foremost and in addition to organizing the funeral, arrange for the repatriation of the body of the deceased to Cameroon.
RPNG is a community solidarity network / platform to bring together all the people of our community, without any distinction, in order to assist, to support the relatives of the deceased to accompany, in a short time, « any member of our community to his last home ».
In-fine, RPNG est « pour que chaque décès dans notre communauté soit le décès de la communauté ». Rejoins « Notre » réseau de solidarité communautaire RPNG, if you also share this dream, this vision of building a stronger, more united and even more supportive community.
We hope you enjoy browsing our site! Please do not hesitate to contact us!